the best hashtags to use for bird photos on instagram

If you’ve spent more than three seconds on Instagram, you’ve seen how many bird photos are posted on there every day. Not just average bird photos either: literally thousands of top class, amazing images of birds are uploaded daily to Instagram.

If you want yours to be seen amongst the masses, you’re probably thinking how the heck you can get eyeballs on your shots in the sea of awe inspiring images out there. And how do some people manage to get so many likes and comments, not to mention a huge following, while other people (with no less greater photos) tend to fade into the background?

Well, there’s a lot that goes into building a social media following, and the quality of your work isn’t always the most important factor (unfortunately).

But when it comes to Instagram at least, one of the easiest things that you have control over is the hashtags you use.

The right hashtags can make a huge difference to how many people see your images – so taking the time to develop a list of the right ones; and the best ones that are appropriate for the specific image you’re sharing, can really be worth it. Because unless you already have a large number of followers, hashtags are the most important method of getting attention to your bird photos!

Taking a look at the most popular Instagram accounts of people who regularly post bird images, you’ll see that they often use the same hashtags.

We’ve researched and collected the best of these hashtags, and listed them below. These are mostly general bird tags – however if you’re posting images of raptors, owls or almost any other type of bird, then you’ll open up a whole new bottle of hashtags that you can use.

In time we will add more specific tags related to certain types of birds – which helps expose your pictures to the people who are most interested in them.

Top Instagram Hashtags For Bird Photos:
